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Montañas nevadas

Personal growth


Experiences Nature

Logotipo Loto

in wild nature

The adventure begins...
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   Rutas naturaleza - Deportes 
Encuentros grupales 
Actividades de ocio




Todos unidos compartiendo
Naturaleza viva
Compartiendo clase de Yoga en la Naturaleza
Meditando en la montaña
La danza grupal, fuente de gozo y de vida
Vacas pastoreando
Amigos disfrutando un día maravilloso
¡Nos vamos de excursión!
Pueblos pintorescos
Mi familia
Caballos libres
Fiestas Estacionales

Proyecto Social
Live with Life

Flor de Loto logotipo

Personal growth


Start looking for your Experiences
scheduledit's theLetter!

Un paisaje hermoso

Experiences Nature

Flor de Loto Arco Iris


Our Philosophy and Vision is ECO,
because its focus is  Global, Integrative, Respectful
 with Human Nature and our Natural Environment,
of which we continue to be a part.

Experiences Nature


EXPERIENCES, because any leisure proposal, as well as workshops, courses and meetings, will always be a unique and experiential experience.

NATURE, because any of the services, activities or meetings will be framed in spaces in total contact with Nature.

PURPOSES AND FOUNDATIONS: Experiences Nature was finally born from the need to collaborate in human development in all its forms. Fostering personal, family, group, business and social growth; basis of the healthy and healthy development of the human being and our planet.

Un paisaje montañoso, un bosque, casas y un lago trasparente

Live, share, experience, learn, enjoy,

in wild nature,

It is the most beautiful way to have unforgettable experiences.



 Awareness – Values -Respect –

Wonder – Cooperation – Learning.


Our philosophy is to promote at a personal, group, family, project and business level; the importance of the integral development of the human being in its five areas:

  1. Emotional

  2. Mental

  3. Physical

  4. vital character

  5. gifts

 With all this, a new society will develop with the essential values that are needed for the fluid and harmonious future of humanity.

Our proposals for this are recreational, service and learning... depending on the needs of each group or project.

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